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Our local partners


The Gorvello Distillery
(Little Prince and Breton Tonic)

Hurnel's mill
(Breton buckwheat flour and Breton wheat)

Venetian biscuit factory

Lancelot Brewery
(Breton beer)


Nicol cider house

(Saint-Armel cider is made exclusively with apples from their orchard, so they get the "farm cider" designation. More info  here .


Suscinio's farm

(Tome de Rhuys and small creamy)


land of ice  

(artisanal ice cream)


Peninsula Delight

(Smoked filet mignon)


Cafe de Rhuys

(Artisan master roaster)

Farine de blé noir

Black wheat flour

Hurnel's mill

Tome de Rhuys au lait cru et petit frais

Tome de Rhuys with raw milk

& small fee

Suscinio's farm

Cidre et jus de pomme

Saint-Armel cider

Nicol cider house

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